- Biskupovic, A., Villalonga, A., Castaño, F., Haber, R., Núñez, F., Agent-based supervision for service-oriented industrial cyber-physical systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, doi: 10.1109/TII.2024.3514178.
- Schlotterbeck, C., Gallegos, J.A., Teel, A.R., Núñez, F., Stability guarantees for a class of networked control systems subject to stochastic delays. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(12), 8884-8891, 2024.
- Gallegos, J.A., Rubio, F., Pereda, J., Núñez, F., Observability and observed-based control for a class of output modular systems with application to modular multilevel power converters. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 32(6), 2418-2427, 2024.
- Huanca, F., Torres, M., Rodriguez-Fernandez, M., Núñez, F., A cyber-physical system for real-time physiological data monitoring and analysis. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 11(17), 28918-28930, 2024.
- Gallegos, J.A., Schlotterbeck, C., Núñez, F., Robust adaptive average consensus over a time-varying and non-balanced environment. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(8), 5577-5583, 2024.
- Gallegos, J.A., Aguila-Camacho, N., Núñez, F., High-gain adaptive control with switching derivation order and its application to a class of multiagent systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 54(7), 3960-397, 2024.
- Langarica, S., de la Vega, D., Cariman, N., Miranda, M., Andrade, D.C., Núñez, F., Rodriguez-Fernandez, M., Deep learning-based glucose prediction models: A guide for practitioners and a curated dataset for improved diabetes management. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 5, 467-475, 2024.
- Biskupovic, A., Schlotterbeck, C., Núñez, F., Modeling information in industrial cyber-physical systems using multilayer graphs. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, 2, 108-117, 2024.
- Langarica, S., Rodriguez-Fernandez, M., Doyle III, F.J., Núñez, F., A probabilistic approach to blood glucose prediction in type 1 diabetes under meal uncertainties. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 27(10), 5054-5065, 2023.
- Aguirre, P., Bravo, M., Torres, M., Langarica, S., Oyarzún, M., Núñez, F., Early-warning system for supervision of urban water services: case study for Coquimbo, Chile. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(10), 05023011, 2023.
- Biskupovic, A., Torres, M., Núñez, F., Automatic synthesis of containerized industrial cyber-physical systems: A case study. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(7), 8262-8273, 2023.
- Oróstica, B., Núñez, I., Matute, T., Núñez, F., Federici, F., Building an open-source DNA assembler device. IEEE Design and Test, 40(4), 69-77, 2023.
- Guzmán, J.A., Pizarro, G., Núñez, F., A reinforcement learning-based distributed control scheme for cooperative intersection traffic control. IEEE Access, 11, 57037-57045, 2023.
- Langarica, S., Rodriguez-Fernandez, M., Núñez, F., Doyle III, F.J., A meta-learning approach to personalized blood glucose prediction in type 1 diabetes. Control Engineering Practice, 135, 105498, 2023.
- Langarica, S., Núñez, F., Contrastive blind denoising autoencoder for real time denoising of industrial IoT sensor data. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 120, 105838, 2023.
- Guzmán, J.A., Morris, B.T., Núñez, F., A cyber-physical system for data-driven real-time traffic prediction in Las Vegas I-15 freeway. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 15(1), 23-35, 2023.
- Mena, J.P., Núñez, F., Age of information in IoT-based networked control systems: A MAC perspective. Automatica 147, 110652, 2023.
- Pizarro, G., Poblete, P., Droguett, G., Pereda, J., Núñez, F., Extended Kalman filtering for full state estimation and sensor reduction in modular multilevel converters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 70(2), 1927-1938, 2023.
- Poblete, P., Pizarro, G., Droguett, G., Núñez, F., Judge, P., Pereda, J., Distributed neural network observer for submodule capacitor voltage estimation in modular multilevel converters. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 37 (9), 10306-10318, 2022.
- Mellado, J., Núñez, F., Design of an IoT-PLC: A containerized programmable logical controller for the industry 4.0. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 25, 100250, 2022.
- Mena, J.P., Núñez, F., On the relation between peak age and stability in control loops over non-beacon enabled CSMA/CA. IEEE Communications Letters, 25 (9), 3139-3143, 2021.
- Guzmán, J., Núñez, F., A cyber-physical systems approach to collaborative intersection management and control. IEEE Access, 9, 99617-99632, 2021.
- Correa, P.P., Cipriano, A., Nuñez, F., Salas, J.C., Lobel, H., Forecasting copper electrorefining cathode rejection by means of recurrent neural networks with attention mechanism. IEEE Access, 9, 79080-79088, 2021.
- Díaz, P., Salas, J.C., Cipriano, A., Núñez, F., Random forest model predictive control for paste thickening. Minerals Engineering, 163, 106760, 2021.
- Langarica, S., Núñez, F., Neuroevolutive control of industrial processes through mapping elites. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 17(5), 3703-3713, 2021.
- Suarez, A., Núñez, F., Rodríguez-Fernández, M., Circadian phase prediction from non-intrusive and ambulatory physiological data. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 25(5), 1561-1571, 2021.
- Langarica, S., Pizarro, G., Poblete, P.M., Radrigan, F., Pereda, J., Rodriguez, J., Núñez, F., Denoising and Voltage Estimation in Modular Multilevel Converters Using Deep Neural-Networks. IEEE Access, 8, 207973-207981, 2020.
- Gómez, J.S., Rodriguez, J., Garcia, C., Tarisciotti, L., Flores-Bahamonde, F., Pereda, J., Núñez, F., Cipriano, A., Salas, J.C., An Overview of Microgrids Challenges in the Mining Industry. IEEE Access, 8, 191378-191393, 2020.
- Herrera, T., Núñez, F., Design and prototyping of a Thread border router based on a non network-co-processor architecture. IEEE Access, 8, 60613-60625, 2020.
- Núñez, F., Langarica, S., Dı́az, P., Torres, M., Salas, J.C., Neural network-based model predictive control of a paste thickener over an industrial internet platform. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(4), 2859-2867, 2020.
- Langarica, S., Rüffelmacher, C., Núñez, F., An industrial internet application for real-time fault diagnosis in industrial motors. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 17(1), 284-295, 2020.
- Mendoza, J.J., Núñez, F., Blockchain-driven on-demand control loops over IoT environments. IEEE Access, 7, 157524-157534, 2019.
- Oróstica, B., Núñez, F., A multi-cast algorithm for robust average consensus over internet of things environments. Computer Communications, 140-141, 15-22, 2019.
- Oróstica, B., Núñez, F., Robust Gossiping for Distributed Average Consensus in IoT Environments. IEEE Access, 7, 994-1005, 2019.
- Wang, Y.Q., Mosalakanti, K., Núñez, F. Deligeorges, S., Doyle III, F.J., A Kernel Module for Pulse-Coupled Time Synchronization of Sensor Networks. Computer Networks, 127, 161-172, 2017.
- Núñez, F., Wang, Y.Q., Grasing, D., Desai, S., Cakiades, G., Doyle III, F.J., Pulse-coupled time synchronization for distributed acoustic event detection using mobile wireless sensor networks. Control Engineering Practice. 60, 106-117, 2017.
- Núñez, F., Wang, Y.Q., Teel, A.R., Doyle III, F.J., Synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators to a global pacemaker. Systems & Control Letters, 88, 75-80, 2016.
- Núñez, F., Wang, Y.Q., Doyle III, F.J., Synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators on (strongly) connected graphs. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(6), 1710-1715, 2015.
- Núñez, F., Wang, Y.Q., Doyle III, F.J., Global synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators interacting on cycle graphs. Automatica, 52, 202-209, 2015.
- Wang, Y.Q., Núñez, F., Doyle III, F.J., Statistical analysis of the pulse-coupled synchronization strategy for wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(21), 5193-5204, 2013.
- Wang, Y.Q., Núñez, F., Doyle III, F.J., Increasing the synchronization rate of weakly connected pulse-coupled oscillators through design of phase response function: theory and application to wireless networks. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 21(4), 1455-1462, 2013.
- Wang, Y.Q., Núñez, F., Doyle III, F.J., Energy-efficient synchronization strategy design for wireless sensor networks through reduced idle listening. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 60(10), 5293-5306, 2012.
- Carrasco, R., Núñez, F., Cipriano, A., Fault detection and isolation in cooperative mobile robots using multi layer architecture and dynamic observers. Robotica, 29(4), 555-562, 2011.
- Berrios, R., Núñez, F., Cipriano, A., Fault tolerant measurement system based on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models for a gas turbine in a combined cycle power plant. Fuzzy Sets & Systems, 174(1), 114-130, 2011.
- Grube, P., Núñez, F., Cipriano, A., An event-driven simulator for multi-line Metro systems and its application to Santiago de Chile Metropolitan Rail Network. Simulation, Modelling, Practice and Theory, 19(1), 393-405, 2011.
- Núñez, F., Reyes, F., Grube, P., Cipriano, A., Simulating railway and metropolitan rail networks: from planning to on-line control. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2(4), 18-30, 2010.
- Núñez, F., Tapia, L., Cipriano, A., Hierarchical hybrid fuzzy strategy for column flotation control. Minerals Engineering, 23(2), 117-124, 2010.
- Núñez, F., Cipriano, A., Visual information model based predictor for froth speed control in flotation process. Minerals Engineering, 22(4), 366-371, 2009.
- Lira, F., Muñoz, C., Núñez, F., Cipriano, A., Short term forecasting of electricity prices in the Colombian market. Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET, 3(11), 980-986, 2009.
- Pinto, M., Gallegos, J.A., Núñez, F., Data-driven observers based on autoencoder neural networks. Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 499-504, Newcastle, UK.
- Schlotterbeck, C., Gallegos, J.A., Núñez, F., Stochastic relaxation of the maximum allowable delay for a class of networked control systems. Proceedings of the 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6463-6468, Singapore.
- Biskupovic, A., Núñez, F., Graph-based information modeling for ICPS. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 47-52, Perth, Australia.
- Pizarro, G., Núñez, F., Graph-based distributed lane-change in tight multi-lane platoons. Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 1031-1036, San Diego, USA.
- Neira, S., Poblete, P., Pereda, J., Núñez, F., Consensus-based distributed control of a multilevel battery energy storage system. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 21st Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 1-7, Aalborg, Denmark.
- Mellado, J., Núñez, F., A Container-based IoT-oriented Programmable Logical Controller. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), 55-61, Tampere, Finland.
- Langarica, S., Núñez, F., Enhanced Big Data approximating control of an industrial paste thickener. Proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress 2020, 1-6, Berlin, Germany.
- Poblete, P., Pereda, J., Núñez, F., Aguilera, R.P., Distributed current control of cascaded multilevel inverters. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 1509-1514, Melbourne, Australia.
- Herrera, T., Núñez, F., Scalability and integration of a Thread implementation in a home area network. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1-5, Las Vegas, USA.
- Guzmán, J., Núñez, F., A multi interface home automation system with distributed intelligence. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation (ICA), 1-6, Concepción, Chile.
- Langarica, S., Núñez, F., An industrial internet platform for real-time fault detection in industrial motors. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), 351–356, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
- Herrera, T., Núñez, F., An IoT-ready streaming manager device for classroom environments in a smart campus. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 789-793, Las Vegas, USA.
- Oróstica, B., Núñez, F., Evaluation of asynchronous average consensus algorithms in pure broadcasting infrastructure-free networks. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 61-66, Kohala Coast, USA.
- Deligeorges, S., Lavey, C., Cakiades, G., George, J., Wang, Y., Núñez, F., Doyle III, F.J., A mobile acoustic sensor fusion network using biologically inspired sensors and synchronization. 18th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion), 1717-1723, Washington, USA.
- Wang, Y.Q., Núñez, F., Doyle III, F.J., Mobility induced network evolution speeds up synchronization of wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference, 3553-3558, Portland, USA.
- Núñez, F., Wang, Y.Q., Desai, S., Cakiades, G., Doyle III, F.J., Bio-inspired synchronization of wireless sensor networks for acoustic event detection systems. Proceedings of the 2012 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication ISPCS 2012, 85-90, San Francisco, USA.
- Núñez, F., Wang, Y.Q., Doyle III, F.J., Bio-inspired hybrid control of pulse-coupled oscillators and application to synchronization of a wireless network. Proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference, 2818-2823, Montreal, Canada.
- Núñez, F., Wang, Y.Q., Teel, A.R., Doyle III, F.J., Bio-inspired synchronization of non-identical pulse-coupled oscillators subject to a global cue and local interactions. Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems 2012, 115-120, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- Núñez, F., Cipriano, A., Model predictive control of multi-line metro systems: a distributed approach. Proceedings of the 9 th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA’11), 532-537, Santiago, Chile.
- Núñez, F., Silva, D., Cipriano, A., Characterization and modeling of semi-autogenous mill performance under ore size distribution disturbances. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011, 9941-9946, Milano, Italy.
- Núñez, F., Tejeda, G., Silva, D., Cipriano, A., Global characterization of froth speed behavior in a rougher flotation line. Preprints IFAC Workshop on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Industry -IFACMMM2009, L. Bergh Ed., Viña del Mar, Chile.
- Núñez, F., Navarro, S., Aguado, A., Cipriano, A., State estimation based model predictive control for LHD vehicles. Proceedings of the 17 th IFAC World Congress 2008, 1448-1453, Seoul, Korea.
- Núñez, F., Cipriano, A., Hybrid modeling of froth flotation superficial appearance applying dynamic textures analysis. Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference 2008, 117-121, Kunming, China.
- Berrios, R., Núñez, F., Cipriano, A., Paredes, R., Expert fault detection and diagnosis for the refrigeration process of a hydraulic power plant. Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference 2008, 122-126, Kunming, China.
- Núñez, F., Cipriano, A., Superficial froth characterization in a flotation cell applying dynamic textures analysis and on-line texture classification. Proceedings of the 1 st Mining Automation Congress: Automining 2008, 163-171, Santiago, Chile.